
New online crime map of England exposes black spots

The government on Tuesday launched a new crime mapping website for England and Wales, giving residents information on offences in their neighbourhood and exposing areas where crime has brought misery.

Opposites may attract, but they aren't better parents

(PhysOrg.com) -- A study by experts at the University of Exeter has revealed that couples with similar personalities make much better parents than those with different dispositions – at least in the world of zebra finches.

Muon makes tracks in EXO-200 detector

(PhysOrg.com) -- The Enriched Xenon Observatory-200, a prototype observatory that will search for exotic decays of fundamental particles of matter, passed a significant if unofficial milestone last month: its detector registered ...

National Semiconductor demonstrates 28 gbps data center technology

National Semiconductor Corp. today announced it has achieved a breakthrough in high-speed signal conditioning by becoming the first company to successfully demonstrate 28 Gbps discrete quad-channel retimer technology with ...

Mobile phone software to help keep kids safe

(PhysOrg.com) -- Children who use social media on their mobile phones can now check their friends really are who they say they are, thanks to new mobile phone software.

Revived Infineon raises full-year targets

German semi-conductor company Infineon raised on Tuesday its 2011 sales and profit margin targets after posting a more than three-fold increase in net profit for the first quarter of its fiscal year.

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