
New light shed on the challenge of climate negotiations

After over two decades of climate negotiation meetings, it is clear that agreeing on reduction of emissions poses a great challenge. Researchers are attempting to gain better theoretical understanding of the mechanisms that ...

The life story of stem cells

Stem cells ensure the regeneration and maintenance of the body's tissues. Diseases like cancer can arise if they spiral out of control. In collaboration with doctors from Aachen University Hospital, scientists from the Max ...

How computers broke science – and what we can do to fix it

Reproducibility is one of the cornerstones of science. Made popular by British scientist Robert Boyle in the 1660s, the idea is that a discovery should be reproducible before being accepted as scientific knowledge.

The 'Speck'-ter haunting New York tomato fields

The 2015 growing season was a tough one for tomato researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute, as bacterial speck disease descended on their field, but those infected plants may one day save others from a similar, spotted ...

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