
1,000 prehistoric individuals to be genetically mapped

A new research project, '1,000 Ancient Genomes', seeks to map the genetic variation among 1,000 prehistoric individuals who lived in Europe and Asia between 1,000 and 50,000 years ago. This data will help researchers give ...

Tunable sound transmission shapes up

The ability to control fine-scale acoustic waves known as phonons could lead to new sensing and surgery technologies, or even materials that are invisible to sonar. This pursuit led researchers at King Abdullah University ...

Researcher's squash hybrid changes color as it ripens

How do you know when squash is at its ripest and tastiest? Most vegetables offer a unique hint. Bananas turn a summery yellow. Peaches are soft but not too squishy. Squash, however, is an anomaly in that it shows no exterior ...

T-Mobile says 'calling issues' resolved

T-Mobile says it has resolved "calling issues" that prompted numerous social media postings early Friday of cellphone service problems.

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