
How IRON MAN (IMA) is involved in copper homeostasis in plants

Copper (Cu) availability is critical for plant growth and development and for food yield and quality. It is essential for plants to maintain Cu homeostasis. To maintain Cu homeostasis in different tissues and organs, the ...

NASA finds likely cause of OSIRIS-REx parachute deployment sequence

NASA's OSIRIS-REx sample return capsule landed under parachute in the Utah desert on Sept. 24, 2023, and safely delivered a cannister of rocks and dust collected from near-Earth asteroid Bennu. Although the delivery was successful, ...

Researcher turns switchgrass into bioplastics

Plastic, made in the traditional petroleum-based method, has served its purpose. The near-perfect packaging material has been instrumental in transforming the world's food supply and can be found in nearly every sector of ...

Warfare ruins the environment—and not just on the front lines

On the morning of December 6, 1917, a French cargo ship called SS Mont-Blanc collided with a Norwegian vessel in the harbor of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada. The SS Mont-Blanc, which was laden with 3,000 tons of high explosives ...

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