
Coral bleaching not the only threat to reef fish

Climate change poses a number of threats to the long-term viability of the Great Barrier Reef and the species that live on it. While the damage caused by more frequent coral bleaching is well documented, the impact of more ...

Cleaning up Tokyo's beaches: An Olympic task

On a blazing hot Tokyo summer day, children squeal with delight as they splash about on a sandy beach, with the skyline of the world's biggest city shimmering behind them.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey keeps his cool before Congress

A chill, bearded and nose-ringed Jack Dorsey appeared unflappable as he faced hours of questioning from members of Congress Wednesday on issues as wide-ranging as political bias, hate speech, school safety and election manipulation.

Big quake hits northern Japan, leaving 9 dead, 30 missing

A powerful earthquake Thursday on Japan's northernmost main island of Hokkaido triggered dozens of landslides that crushed houses under torrents of dirt, rocks and timber, prompting frantic efforts to unearth any survivors.

Common pesticide inhibits brain development in frogs

New research published in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry reveals that low doses of a commonly used pesticide potentially harm the Northern Leopard frog by inhibiting their brain development.

Do you know why and how you forget passwords?

Do you frequently forget passwords to a baffling array of accounts and websites? Much depends on a password's importance and how often you use it, according to a Rutgers University-New Brunswick-led study that could spur ...

Study examines pros and cons of hydropower

Hydropower can generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases but can cause environmental and social harms, such as damaged wildlife habitat, impaired water quality, impeded fish migration, reduced sediment transport, ...

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