
Battery-less computers can now be reprogrammed wirelessly

Computers are getting better with each day. They are becoming so energy-efficient that we can now think about cutting the final cord that connects them with the outside world: a power supply cable. A great example of such ...

Cause of Maryland food poisoning outbreak traced to Asia

Vibrio parahaemolyticus caused an outbreak of food poisoning in Maryland in 2010. The pathogen strain sequenced from patients proved to be the same strain as one of those found in raw oysters from local restaurants, strong ...

Discrimination on Facebook: A matter of gender

While young, less educated males are those who share a greater amount of discriminatory content on Facebook, young university females share the least. According to a study conducted by sociologists at the University of Rovira ...

Worrying about smart phone web-dependence anxiety

The more we rely on our smart phones being connected to the Internet, the greater the anxiety we feel if we lose that connection when travelling, according to new research published in the International Journal of Information ...

Understanding the scent of death

Well-trained cadaver dogs can be remarkably adept at discerning the smell of human remains from those of animals. Mimicking these canines' abilities in an artificial nose would be a huge help in disasters when thousands of ...

Young, unattached Jupiter analog found in solar neighborhood

A team of astronomers from Carnegie and the University of Western Ontario has discovered one of the youngest and brightest free-floating, planet-like objects within relatively close proximity to the Sun. The paper reporting ...

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