
NASA engineers test rotor landing for capsules

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers brought a pair of scale model space capsules to the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida to try out a rotor system that could be used in place of parachutes ...

Lessons from Iraq: Urban marshes and city survival

Jennifer Pournelle is continuing to build the case that natural wetlands, rather than irrigated fields, are the fertile ground from which cities initially emerged in Mesopotamia. And her conclusions about the importance of ...

Regulating hematopoietic differentiation

Blood cells originate from a small pool of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) through a complex process of differentiation steps that are tightly regulated at the transcriptional level. Dissecting the mechanisms underlying this ...

The Bloodhound SSC: Faster than a speeding bullet

Twenty-nine years ago today, Richard Noble in Thrust2 broke the land speed record for Britain at 633.468 mph in October 1983. That day saw the start of my love affair with the land speed record. Again in September 1997 Richard ...

The sad state of biodiversity

Factfile on biodiversity ahead of talks opening Monday under the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Hyderabad, India.

Facebook lets people pay to give posts priority

Fresh from passing the billion-member mark, Facebook was letting members in the United States pay seven dollars each to have personal posts given priority in feeds seen by their friends.

Japan mini-satellite to flash code from space

A palm-sized Japanese satellite in orbit around Earth will flash a Morse code message that will be visible around the world from next month, the mission commander said Friday.

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