
Mystery of funky "disco clam" flashing revealed

In the dark, underwater caves of the Indo-Pacific Ocean, a lucky diver may be treated to a rare underwater light show: the flashing of the clam Ctenoides ales, also known as the 'disco' clam. How and why these invertebrates ...

Discovery of uncertainty relations beyond the Heisenberg

In the quantum world, the famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle bounds the product of the variances of two incompatible observables such as the position and the momentum of a particle by the Planck constant. Heisenberg, ...

The year ahead in science

Some serious groundwork has been laid. Some amazing instruments are turning on. Some incredible destinations are in sight. If you ask us, 2015 is going to be an awesome year in science.

Sony tries to make good after PlayStation network outage

Sony offered disgruntled gamers a "holiday thank you" to ring in the New Year, extending PlayStation Plus memberships and offering a one-time discount after a Christmastime cyber attack left its networks offline.

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