
To print or not to print your meal

What about a more chewable pasta or high protein cookies made with insects? 3D printed food seems an interesting solution for healthier eating, shortening meal preparation times and even fighting world hunger. But an avant-garde ...

Sharper GPS needs even more accurate atomic clocks

The GPS network might just be Earth's greatest piece of infrastructure. It's effectively a collection of clocks in space that serve up time information 24/7 free of charge to anyone on the planet who cares to listen.

Volcanic bacteria take minimalist approach to survival

New research by scientists at the University of Otago and GNS Science is helping to solve the puzzle of how bacteria are able to live in nutrient-starved environments. It is well-established that the majority of bacteria ...

Researchers clear the way for fast plasmonic chips

Researchers from the Laboratory of Nanooptics and Plasmonics at the MIPT Center of Nanoscale Optoelectronics have developed a new method for optical communication on a chip, which will could decrease the size of optical and ...

Parity effect observed in graphene

Researchers have theoretically projected and successfully proven through experimentation the parity effect of the quantum Hall edge transport in graphene antidot devices with pn junctions (PNJs). Graphine, or single-layered ...

Dogs process faces in specialized brain area, study reveals

Dogs have a specialized region in their brains for processing faces, a new study finds. PeerJ is publishing the research, which provides the first evidence for a face-selective region in the temporal cortex of dogs.

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