
The importance of self delivery in online retail

Researchers from Sichuan University, Tsinghua University, and University of California Davis published a new Journal of Marketing study that examines when and how a company's own delivery services affect customers' behaviors ...

Why boredom can be great for kids

"I'm bored!" It's a phrase parents and caregivers work tirelessly to avoid hearing, but it may be the gateway to unleashing a child's creativity, social development and even life skills.

How humans transform island bird communities

It is known that people have been bringing alien bird species onto islands for thousands of years, but how this has shaped the diversity of those species has just been brought to light by a study published in the journal ...

Cosmic simulation reveals how black holes grow and evolve

A team of astrophysicists led by Caltech has managed for the first time to simulate the journey of primordial gas dating from the early universe to the stage at which it becomes swept up in a disk of material fueling a single ...

How climate change is affecting where species live

As the climate warms, many species are on the move, raising new challenges for policy-makers around the world. Shifts in the ranges of mosquitoes and disease-bearing ticks and bats are introducing illnesses such as malaria ...

Energetics of compressive waves in the solar corona

Inelastic scattering off moving or oscillating density fluctuations leads to broadening of radio signals propagating in the solar corona and solar wind. Using an anisotropic density fluctuation model from the kinetic scattering ...

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