
3-D printing of living cells

Using a new technique they call "in-air microfluidics," University of Twente scientists succeed in printing 3-D structures with living cells. This special technique enable the fast and 'on-the-fly' production of micro building ...

What is CRISPR gene editing, and how does it work?

You've probably read stories about new research using the gene editing technique CRISPR, also called CRISPR/Cas9. The scientific world is captivated by this revolutionary technology, since it is easier, cheaper and more efficient ...

Gene enhancers important despite apparent redundancy

Every cell in the body has the same DNA and genes, so a cell's properties and functions are determined by which genes are turned on. That's why it is critical to understand enhancers, short sections of non-coding DNA that ...

Precisely tailoring the dynamics of upconversion luminescence

A team of researchers led by Professors Hong Zhang (photonic nanochemistry) and Evert Jan Meijer (computational chemistry) of the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences has significantly improved ...

Image: Mount Sharp 'photobombs' Mars Curiosity rover

A new self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the vehicle on Vera Rubin Ridge, which it has been investigating for the past several months. Directly behind the rover is the start of a clay-rich slope scientists ...

Trust is good, quantum trickery is better

An international team of scientists has proven, for the first time, the security of so-called device-independent quantum cryptography in a regime that is attainable with state-of-the-art quantum technology, thus paving the ...

News about Tabby's star, the most mysterious star of 2017

KIC 8462852, or "Tabby's Star," named after Tabetha Boyajian, the researcher at Louisiana State University (USA) who is leading its study, is a medium sized star, some 50 percent bigger than the sun, and 1,000 degrees hotter, ...

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