
Astronomers' new technique measures temperature of a star with high precision

Astronomers study stars by looking at the different colors of light they emit—colors they capture and analyze using spectroscopy. Now a team led by Université de Montréal's Étienne Artigau has developed a technique that ...

Planetary Sciences

New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind

Scientists of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna and Umeå University find that under certain conditions the induced magnetosphere of Mars can degenerate. The findings are presented in a new study published ...

Volcanoes may help reveal interior heat on Jupiter moon

By staring into the hellish landscape of Jupiter's moon Io—the most volcanically active location in the solar system—Cornell astronomers have been able to study a fundamental process in planetary formation and evolution: ...

Gaining insights into the chemical basis of aversive learning

One of the things that makes brains so incredibly difficult to understand is their ability to adjust and adapt. Our learning experiences can set off complex signaling cascades that reshape neurons—and their synaptic connections—at ...

'Sticky' brain cells may confuse us into eating more

Diseases involving our metabolism—including obesity and type 2 diabetes—affect more than a quarter of the global population and are projected to become the leading cause of death by 2030. With no effective long-term treatments ...

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Tech Xplore

The mystery of human wrinkles: What do the cells say?

A research team consisting of Professor Dong Sung Kim, Professor Anna Lee, and Dr. Jaeseung Youn from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at POSTECH has successfully recreated the structure of wrinkles in biological ...

Arctic warming is driving Siberian wildfires

Wildfire activity in central Siberia, Russia, has doubled in the past 2 decades, scorching vast areas of forest and releasing carbon stored in the rich soils and permafrost underneath. The Arctic is warming faster than the ...