Plants & Animals
Poachers' social media posts reveal alarming extent of illegal wildlife hunting in Lebanon
Public posts on social media platforms shed light on the extent and nature of prolific illegal wildlife hunting in Lebanon, research in Oryx, published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna & Flora, has found.
2 hours ago
Fly larva with a fake termite face can infiltrate termite mounds and socialize
Nature is full of impostors, and many of them are found in the insect world. Certain species, such as the bee fly or the ant spider, are experts at misdirection and their ability to confuse predators or prey is on a par with ...
9 hours ago

Earth's inner core is less solid than previously thought: Study reveals structural transformation
The surface of the Earth's inner core may be changing, as shown by a new study by USC scientists that detected structural changes near the planet's center, published in Nature Geoscience.
The surface of the Earth's inner core may be changing, as shown by a new study by USC scientists that detected structural changes near the planet's center, ...
Earth Sciences
11 hours ago

Entangling two physically separate resonators enables a major advance in the science of quantum sound
Entanglement—linking distant particles or groups of particles so that one cannot be described without the other—is at the core of the quantum revolution changing the face of modern ...
Entanglement—linking distant particles or groups of particles so that one cannot be described without the other—is at the core of the quantum revolution ...
Quantum Physics
6 hours ago

Tiny water-based reactors could help pharmaceutical industry avoid toxic solvents
Researchers at Rice University have developed a new method for performing chemical reactions using water instead of toxic solvents. The scientists created microscopic reactors capable ...
Researchers at Rice University have developed a new method for performing chemical reactions using water instead of toxic solvents. The scientists created ...
Analytical Chemistry
6 hours ago

The ALPHA experiment moves towards the increasingly precise study of antihydrogen
Antimatter is a fascinating kind of matter made up of antiparticles, which have a mass equivalent to that of their normal matter counterparts, yet they exhibit an opposite charge and distinct quantum properties.

The Westerlund 1 star cluster: Hubble unveils detailed structure
Using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), astronomers have observed a supermassive galactic open cluster designated Westerlund 1. Results of the study, published Jan. 28 on the pre-print server arXiv, yield essential details ...

Physicists stabilize superconducting states at ambient pressure
Researchers at the University of Houston's Texas Center for Superconductivity have achieved another first in their quest toward ambient-pressure high-temperature superconductivity, bringing us one step closer to finding superconductors ...
6 hours ago

Less, but more: A new evolutionary scenario marked by massive gene loss and expansion
Evolution is traditionally associated with a process of increasing complexity and gaining new genes. However, the explosion of the genomic era shows that gene loss and simplification is a much more frequent process in the ...
7 hours ago

Students discover a new protein while investigating Streptococcus infection
Strep throat, something we've all had at some point in our lives, is caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes. Infection by Streptococcus can be fatal in serious cases and is the leading cause of death among flesh-eating ...
Molecular & Computational biology
7 hours ago

Potassium-enriched salt shows promise for cutting recurrent stroke risk in clinical trial
Potassium supplements in salt were associated with reduced rates of recurrent stroke and mortality in a large-scale cluster randomized clinical trial involving patients in rural northern China. Findings come from a subgroup ...

Apple engineers create expressive Pixar-like table lamp with AI capabilities
A team of engineers at Apple Computer has developed an expressive table lamp that interacts with a user rather than simply carrying out instructions. The group has posted a paper on the arXiv preprint server describing the ...

New battery innovation focuses on the texture of metal to improve performance
To create the new batteries needed for electric vehicles, mobile devices and renewable energy storage, researchers have explored new materials, new designs, new configurations and new chemistry.
Energy & Green Tech
6 hours ago

eBook: Powering Clean Energy Solutions
Read about how engineers and scientists in the energy industry use modeling and simulation to advance clean energy solutions.

The Future is Interdisciplinary
Find out how ACS can accelerate your research to keep up with the discoveries that are pushing us into science’s next frontier
Medical Xpress

Advanced imaging and AI reveal smoking-related toxins in placenta samples

Influenza A viruses adapt shape in response to environmental pressures, study reveals

Brain signals linked to sweet taste preference discovered

Health care company payouts favor shareholders, new research shows

Study sheds light on how the brain differentiates new stimuli from old ones

From Spanish flu to today: How immune cells keep up with a changing virus

Health care utilization shifts among long COVID patients highlighted in new study

Rheumatoid arthritis tied to cognitive decline in dementia
Tech Xplore

New battery innovation focuses on the texture of metal to improve performance

DeepMind AI achieves gold-medal level performance on challenging Olympiad math questions

Study finds skepticism towards AI in moral decision roles

Recyclable artificial vision system uses honey as an electrolyte

Machine learning method improves semiconductor band gap predictions

Survey highlights an emerging divide over artificial intelligence in the US

NASA explores Earth science with new navigational system

The era of practical quantum computers draws closer

Here's how researchers are helping AIs get their facts straight

Building Zambian homes with local materials delivers benefits that imports don't

Class emerges as a key factor in who gets sent to prison
The incarceration rate of Black Americans has fallen sharply in the 21st century, according to a new study, but the trend has coincided with a rise in imprisonment of white Americans with no college education.
Social Sciences
7 hours ago

Tech advances and infrastructure changes aren't enough to achieve carbon emission goals by 2050, model finds
Most countries are relying on a combination of technological advances and infrastructure changes to meet their goals for greenhouse gas emissions reductions. However, a new model from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev environmental ...
8 hours ago

Inflammation-triggering cellular pathway identified as potential new drug target for Alzheimer's disease
A team of researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of USC has unlocked the details of a cellular pathway that triggers cellular inflammation and aging and is linked to Alzheimer's disease, particularly among those who ...
7 hours ago

Advanced imaging and AI reveal smoking-related toxins in placenta samples
Rice University scientists and collaborators at Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) have demonstrated a new method for detecting the presence of dangerous chemicals from tobacco smoke in human placenta with unprecedented speed ...
Obstetrics & gynaecology
7 hours ago

Satellite data study pinpoints areas sinking and rising along California coast
Tracking and predicting sea level rise involves more than measuring the height of our oceans: Land along coastlines also inches up and down in elevation. Using California as a case study, a NASA-led team has shown how seemingly ...
Earth Sciences
7 hours ago

When blood cancer starts to spread, tumor cells diversify and affect immune response
When blood cancer cells break through the bone and multiply, tumor cells become dangerously diverse and the immune response in the region changes, report researchers from Berlin and Heidelberg in Science Immunology. The detailed ...
Oncology & Cancer
7 hours ago

AI proves better than humans at analyzing long-term ECG recordings in large international study
In patients with symptoms such as irregular heartbeats, dizziness, or fainting, or in individuals that physicians suspect may have atrial fibrillation, many days of ECGs may be required for diagnosis—"long-term ECG recordings." ...
7 hours ago

Investors more likely to opt for green labels over financial returns, fueling greenwashing concerns
Over the past decade, sustainable investing has exponentially grown in its global impact and popularity. This emerging trend led University of Waterloo researchers to investigate how green labels influence investment decisions. ...
Economics & Business
7 hours ago

Popular weight-loss drugs show promise in reducing kidney disease complications and mortality
A well-known class of drugs used to manage type 2 diabetes and control weight could offer hope for patients who also struggle with related chronic kidney disease (CKD), researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center found.
7 hours ago

Biochemists discover self-repair function in key photosynthetic protein complex
Cyanobacteria began contributing oxygen to Earth's mostly noxious atmosphere more than 2 billion years ago. The photosystem II protein complex now shared by various lineages of cyanobacteria, algae and land plants has served ...
7 hours ago

If FEMA didn't exist, could states handle the disaster response alone?
Imagine a world in which a hurricane devastates the Gulf Coast, and the U.S. has no federal agency prepared to quickly send supplies, financial aid and temporary housing assistance.

Gate-controllable two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides for spintronic memory
The rapid advancement of technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has heightened the demand for high-speed, energy-efficient memory devices. Traditional memory technologies often struggle ...

Call to action emphasizes physics researchers' role in combating climate change
"Climate change is real." That stark and undeniable statement spearheads a new call to action in a paper published in a special edition of the European Physical Journal Special Topics, focusing on energy saving in physics ...

Solutions journalism can spur climate action, study finds
News stories that highlight potential solutions alongside the harsh realities of climate change can spur people to action—as long as the stories empower readers to see their own role in the solution, a new study by University ...

Ready (or not) for love? Your friends likely agree
Feeling ready for a committed relationship is a key step in dating. But do your friends agree that you're ready for a long-term relationship? As this week is Valentine's Day, newer couples may be considering just how serious ...

How gender shapes perceptions of safety in urban parking spaces
Multifamily residential buildings with multiple floors are common in South Korea. These buildings usually have pilotis—support structures like pillars that elevate the building, creating an open ground floor generally used ...

Engineers design new autonomous system to monitor Arctic's melting ice
The rapid melting and thinning of the Arctic ice has sparked serious concerns in the scientific community. In addition, sea ice thickness has also decreased, which makes ice cover more vulnerable to warming air and ocean ...

Sibling scientists and their dog hunt for Oregon's hidden truffle biodiversity
A wagging tail is the universal sign of a happy dog, especially for a rusty golden retriever named Rye. It's his "tell-tail" signal he's found buried treasure.

Corrosion-induced electrodes enhance biomass conversion efficiency
A research team has utilized metal corrosion to prepare high-performance electrodes, enabling efficient and cost-effective upgrading of bio-based 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). Their study is published in Chem Catalysis.

Advanced computational tool reveals cellular development processes
The human body is a key subject of research by scientists worldwide. A biomedical engineering research team led by Professor Kevin Tsia, program director of the Biomedical Engineering Program under the Faculty of Engineering ...

Grampians National Park is still burning—here's what we can expect will survive and recover
Fire broke out in the Grampians National Park (Gariwerd) in December and raged for weeks. Then lightning strikes ignited fresh blazes late last month, which merged to form a mega-fire that's not out yet.

Workaholism could foster disconnect from moral values and organizational harm, says study
The hidden ethical costs of workaholism have been highlighted in a recent study led by Aston University and University of Leipzig scholars.

AI-powered labs promise faster, safer catalyst research with human oversight
The urgent need for a transition to sustainable energy sources demands a significant acceleration of traditional research and development cycles. Self-driving labs (SDLs), powered by artificial intelligence (AI), could play ...

Biocompatible nanoadhesive offers hope for safer corneal transplants, reducing inflammation and infection risks
A research team from the Eye & ENT Hospital of Fudan University, China, has developed a novel biocompatible nanoadhesive for corneal transplantation. The nanoadhesive is based on tetrahedral framework nucleic acids combined ...

Scientists isolate ultrasmall bacteria that parasitize methanogenic archaea
AIST researchers, in collaboration with JAMSTEC, Hokkaido University and Tohoku University, have succeeded in cultivating an ultrasmall bacterial strain parasitizing archaea and classified the strain PMX.108T as a new species ...

How the human neck became a locus of power, beauty and frailty
I broke its neck. When making a vase at the potter's wheel, I torqued its slippery neck clear off the pot as I tried to thin it into a graceful curve.

Human presence at waterholes may change animal behavior
When tourists venture into nature, their thoughts are often focused on the animals they'll get to see. But animals may also have them in mind, according to a new study from the University of Georgia published in the Journal ...

Scientists discover heat-resistant strain of sugar kelp
Like most aquatic vegetation, kelp is being negatively impacted by climate change. Warming ocean temperatures have led to shorter growing and harvesting seasons, including for sugar kelp, one of the most commonly farmed kelp ...

Preventing 'revenge quitting': Five things workplaces can do to help employees feel like they belong
Longstanding workplace issues such as mistreatment, the normalization of toxic behavior and a lack of accountability for workplace culture have fueled a growing trend known as revenge quitting.

Modern slavery and climate change: How extreme weather fuels forced labor and unwanted marriages
Weather-induced disasters that are the result of climate change are increasingly affecting societies. One area that hasn't been explored much yet is how extreme weather events are creating conditions for a rise in modern ...