Philippine town claims world's largest croc title

A small Philippine town on Wednesday laid claim to having the world's largest captive crocodile after an Australian expert measured the saltwater beast at more than six metres.

Which came first, hermits or kings?

Heather Bracken-Grissom, marine sciences professor in the FIU Department of Biological Sciences, has helped answer one of the most debated questions among evolutionary biologists: Did the hermit crab evolve into the king ...

Fatal fungus found in third major amphibian group, caecilians

It is known as the amphibian chytrid fungus and can cause a deadly disease that is decimating some of the world's frogs, toads, newts and salamanders. However, the fungus had not been detected in the other lesser-known major ...

How can we help endangered vultures?

Zoologists from the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin are proposing an ingenious idea to help conserve populations of African white-backed vultures. The iconic birds, which play a critical role in sustaining ...

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