Woodpecker guides post-fire forest management

What's good for the Black-backed Woodpecker is good for restoration of burned California forests. The birds' unique relationship with fire underpins the latest research into improved post-fire management. A study published ...

Managing Washington's gray wolf population—through fear

The high-profile reintroduction of gray wolves to Yellowstone National Park in 1995 is generally considered a conservation success: Gray wolf packs inside and outside the park gradually established new populations. In Washington, ...

Positive YouTube videos help deflect blame from sharks

In a new study, North Carolina State University researchers found more people shifted blame for shark bites away from the animals after watching positive YouTube videos about them. They also saw greater support on average ...

Predicting migration pathways of mule deer without GPS collars

How do researchers understand where big-game animals migrate across vast landscapes each spring and fall? That is the question asked by biologists from the University of Wyoming and Idaho Department of Fish and Game in a ...

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