Bee research shows benefits of native plants, wild bees

( -- As scientists struggle to come to grips with Colony Collapse Disorder, a mysterious disease threatening to wipe out domesticated honey bees in the United States, they have begun to cast a worried eye towards ...

How glyphosate affects brood care in bumblebees

Bumblebee colonies exposed to glyphosate are significantly affected in times of resource scarcity. Dr. Anja Weidenmüller, biologist at the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behavior at the University of Konstanz, ...

How quickly do flower strips in cities help the local bees?

Insects rely on a mix of floral resources for survival. Populations of bees, butterflies, and flies are currently rapidly decreasing due to the loss of flower-rich meadows. In order to deal with the widespread loss of fauna, ...

Feeding the future using seed banks

Better use of the world's seed banks could help provide a practical solution to future food shortages, according to an article in Nature, co-authored by a Natural History Museum scientist.

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