Asian carp roundup in Kentucky opens new front in battle

Like a slow-motion, underwater cattle drive, wildlife officials in a half-dozen aluminum boats used pulses of electricity and sound on a recent gray morning to herd schools of Asian carp toward 1,000-foot-long (305 meters) ...

Palm oil: Less fertilizer and no herbicide but same yield?

Environmentally friendlier palm oil production could be achieved with less fertilizer and no herbicide, while maintaining profits. These are the encouraging preliminary results of the first two years of a large-scale oil ...

New insights on the control of dicamba-resistant kochia

Kochia is a highly invasive weed that is common in the Great Plains, where it has developed resistance to multiple herbicides. Now new dicamba-resistant strains are adding to grower worries.

More than individual landowner issue

Weed species continue to spread and management costs continue to mount, in spite of best management practices and efforts by research and extension personnel who promote them to land managers, said Dr. Muthu Bagavathiannan, ...

How plant-rotting bacteria steal iron to survive

In a new study, researchers identify important new insights into a survival mechanism of the bacteria that cause rotting in certain plants, including some highly invasive weeds. The study, publishing on August 2 in the Open-Access ...

Intra-row weeding possible with vision systems

Researchers of Wageningen University & Research, BU Greenhouse horticulture, developed weeding machines which are able to do intra-row weeding. Our experts in robotics were responsible for the detection of weed based on camera ...

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