Can social media detect the changes in public mood?

New research has analysed the mood of Twitter users in the UK and detected various changes in the mood of the public. In particular, the researchers observed a significant increase in negative mood, anger and fear, coinciding ...

Newlyweds, be careful what you wish for

A statistical analysis of the gift "fulfillments" at several hundred online wedding gift registries suggests that wedding guests are caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to buying an appropriate gift for the ...

App happy: Wedding help in the palm of your hand

Doug Appleton's grandparents couldn't travel to his New York City wedding last October, but the tech-savvy Floridians were as present on the Big Day as anyone could be from 1,000-plus miles (1,600-plus kilometers) away.

Social-media engagement set record for Super Bowl

They let their fingers do the talking. They did it while Beyonce mesmerized the audience during halftime at the Super Bowl. They did it during the blackout at the Superdome. Users of social media - mostly on mobile devices ...

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