TripAdvisor warns of hotels posting fake reviews

(AP) -- The hotel review may sound too good - citing obscure details like the type of faucets - or perhaps one stands out as the only negative rating of an otherwise popular location.

Web site informs, helps you manage online contests

Ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Evidently millions are asking themselves that very question when they go online to enter into some kind of sweepstakes or contest. Loosely defined, a sweepstakes requires only ...

SKorean police: Hackers extracted data in attacks

(AP) -- Hackers extracted lists of files from computers that they contaminated with the virus that triggered cyberattacks last week in the United States and South Korea, police in Seoul said Tuesday.

Dangers grow on Web from attacks

When people worry about the dangers of the Internet, a Web site built by the producers of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" is probably not what they have in mind.

Tech 101: How a denial-of-service attack works

(AP) -- Investigators are piecing together details about one of the most aggressive computer attacks in recent memory - a powerful "denial-of-service" assault that overwhelmed computers at U.S. and South Korean government ...

White House among targets of sweeping cyber attack

(AP) -- The powerful attack that overwhelmed computers at U.S. and South Korean government agencies for days was even broader than initially realized, also targeting the White House, the Pentagon and the New York Stock Exchange.

Militants, 'hacktivists' exploit Web, eye recruits

(AP) -- Terrorist groups that have long used the Internet to spread propaganda are increasingly tapping the Web to teach Islamic extremists how to be hackers, recruit techies for cyberwarfare and raise money through online ...

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