Newspapers erect pay walls in hunt for new revenue

(AP) -- Newspapers are returning to a business strategy that served them well in the heyday of street-corner newsboys shouting the front-page news. They're enticing people with a little free online content before asking ...

German court orders wireless passwords for all

(AP) -- Germany's top criminal court ruled Wednesday that Internet users need to secure their private wireless connections by password to prevent unauthorized people from using their Web access to illegally download data.

Cuba to offer public Internet at salons islandwide

Cuban authorities said Tuesday that they will begin offering public Internet access at more than 100 cyber-salons across the island, though home Web service remains greatly restricted.

Survey: Parents start to see TV, Internet the same

(AP) -- No TV for a week, the time-honored punishment for misbehaving children, has been enhanced. Now, parents are also withholding Internet access to punish their kids, further sign that the Web has become as important ...

Variety to begin charging for Web access Thursday

(AP) -- The Hollywood trade newspaper Variety is putting its Web site behind a "pay wall" starting Thursday. That means it will be reserving its online content for paid subscribers and hoping its advertisers stick around ...

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