Climate change is already impacting stream flows across the US

Climate change is here, and scientists continue to discover new ways that the world around us is changing. In a new study published in the May issue of the Journal of Hydrology, DRI researchers show that altered weather patterns ...

Spain vows to block farming near threatened wetlands

Spain has vowed to block a regional plan to legalize farming near one of Europe's largest and fauna-rich wetlands, where water supplies have plunged due to climate change and agriculture.

Satellites reveal hotspots of global river extent change

Rivers are one of the most dynamic components of the water cycle on Earth's surface and play a significant role in the development of human societies, ecosystem sustainability, and regional climate. However, their natural ...

Melting Antarctic could impact oceans 'for centuries'

Rapidly melting Antarctic ice threatens to dramatically slow deep-water currents in the world's oceans, scientists say, impacting the spread of fresh water, oxygen and life-sustaining nutrients for centuries.

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