Why ransomware is on the rise

A California hospital recently had its patients' records held hostage. But the perpetrators did not commandeer a room full of paper files. They were in fact hackers who restricted access to the electronic records and demanded ...

Justice system chips away at women's rights

Arrests of women increased dramatically in the past two decades, while domestic abuse laws meant to protect female victims have put many behind bars for defending themselves, a new paper argues.

Workplace bullying a vicious circle

Bullying at work grinds victims down and makes them an 'easy target' for further abuse according to new research from the University of East Anglia.

Fitness game for the physically impaired

Modern IT has the potential to make fitness training more varied for people with physi- cal limitations. But what exactly is required? Fraunhofer put this question to thalidomide victims, and developed new IT-based fitness ...

Social sensing game detects classroom bullies

A social sensing game created at Illinois allows researchers to study natural interactions between children, collect large amounts of data about those interactions and test theories about youth aggression and victimization.

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