Tech companies eye security that goes beyond passwords

In late February, a thief or thieves cracked into Evernote's digital vault filled with log-ins, passwords and email addresses belonging to 50 million users. It was a shocking cyberattack considering the Redwood City, Calif., ...

Google has ideas for funny-face device authentication

( —Google this year has made it clear that it wants to see a different computer using landscape with techniques that are easier, more reliable than hand-typed passwords for user authentication. Speaking at a security ...

Google vision of password rings heard at security event

( —Google finds much appeal in gaining the distinction of leading the way toward a future where USB sticks and rings can replace traditional passwords. The idea of killing off passwords has been an attractive one ...

Nanopore: the Oxford story

Last month Oxford University spinout firm Oxford Nanopore revealed that it is to produce a new DNA sequencing machine the size of a USB stick.

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