Radar exposing water leaks

A wide range of technologies deal with water leaks. But the most recent innovative solutions aim to be far more effective than any other prior technologies.

Toxic radiation 'in groundwater' at Fukushima

Toxic radioactive substances have once again been detected in groundwater at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, its Japanese operator said on Sunday, the latest in a series of incidents at the tsunami-battered complex.

Toxic radiation in groundwater at Fukushima: operator

Cancer-causing radioactive substances have been found in groundwater at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, its Japanese operator said on Wednesday, as it pledged to prevent it getting into the sea.

Australian continent takes a big drink

(Phys.org) —Devastating at the time, the major floods of 2011 have since brought a vital benefit by recharging Australia's depleted reserves of underground water.

Crumbling bores 'jeopardise nation's water'

Fifteen thousand collapsing bores – and a half-billion dollar repair bill – are endangering the future of Australia's largest and most precious resource, its groundwater.

Asia, US plains facing water extraction crisis

Heavily-populated regions of Asia, the arid Middle East and parts of the US corn belt are dangerously over-exploiting their underground water supplies, according to a study published on Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Ancient reservoir could bring water to dry Namibia

A stone-age underground water reservoir could transform life in arid Namibia, a government official said Friday, holding up to five million cubic metres of water that could supply the area for 400 years.

Paydirt at 8-year-old Mars Rover's 'new landing site'

A report in the May 4 edition of the journal Science details discoveries Opportunity made in its first four months at the rim of Endeavour Crater, including key findings reported at a geophysics conference in late 2011.

Tracing arsenic threat to groundwater

In the driest inhabited continent on earth, underground water accounts for a large portion of Australia’s most precious resource – freshwater.

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