Flying frog among 353 new Himalayan species: WWF

Over 350 new species including the world's smallest deer, a "flying frog" and a 100 million-year old gecko have been discovered in the Eastern Himalayas, a biological treasure trove now threatened by climate change.

Scientists find 56 new species in Papua New Guinea

Jumping spiders, a tiny chirping frog and an elegant striped gecko are among 56 species believed new to science discovered during a Conservation International (CI) Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) expedition to Papua New Guinea's ...

Australia's critically endangered animal species

Australia has 96 critically endangered animal species, listed below. Over the coming months, we will be publishing a profile of each of them, looking at the threats to their survival, what's being done to protect them, and ...

Some frogs surviving deadly chytrid fungus infection

Australian scientists have found that some native frogs are winning their war against the world's most devastating frog-killer – the chytrid fungus – while others are losing it.

The secret life of frogs

( -- University of Notre Dame biologist Sunny Boyd's research is a little like "" for amphibians. Say you're a female tree frog looking for a mate--how do you choose among a number of potential suitors?

Frog calls inspire a new algorithm for wireless networks

Males of the Japanese tree frog have learnt not to use their calls at the same time so that the females can distinguish between them. Scientists at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia have used this form of calling behaviour ...

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