Cars must be considerate of the driver when talking

Smart telephones and TVs are well-established technical gadgets in today's society. The same cannot be said about smart cars with dialogue systems that can understand you and communicate as if they were a person sitting in ...

Automakers commit to put automatic brakes in all cars

Ten automakers have committed to the government and a private safety group that they will include automatic emergency braking in all new cars, a step transportation officials say could significantly reduce traffic deaths ...

Air controller study shows chronic fatigue

Air traffic controllers' work schedules often lead to chronic fatigue, making them less alert and endangering the safety of the national air traffic system, according to a study the government has kept secret for nearly four ...

Safety agency admits flaws, starts reforms after GM case

The U.S. government's auto safety agency acknowledged Friday that staffers' failure to understand technology and lack of skepticism prevented them from rooting out a deadly problem with General Motors ignition switches for ...

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