Helping businesses defend against cyber threats

Analysts with the National Security Agency see the threats coming at corporate America: viruses, worms and other malware targeting the computer networks that serve the nation's banks, utilities and businesses.

McCain calls for special cybersecurity panel

Veteran US Senator John McCain on Wednesday urged the creation of a special Senate committee on cybersecurity and electronic intelligence leaks to cut through legislative delays to crafting a US response.

Drafting without drivers

Fewer accidents, less fuel consumption, and fewer traffic jams: Autonomous, computer-controlled vehicles have many advantages in road traffic. In particular, if many cars join to form long convoys. On May 14 and 15, 2011, ...

Problems plague new air traffic control computers

(AP) -- New computers crucial to modernizing the U.S. air traffic control system have run into serious problems and may not be fully operational by the end of this year when the current system is supposed to be replaced, ...

Hybrid systems get strengthened through diversity

( -- Our everyday work and home lives are becoming increasingly dependent on complex computerised networks with built-in control systems. European researchers are working to make the controls more autonomous and ...

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