Bacteria shed light on toxic medicine

A new method developed in Wageningen should facilitate the early testing of drugs, reducing costs and the need for animal testing.

Using nanotechnology to improve cancer treatment

( -- Research directed by Basar Bilgicer, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering and a member of the Advanced Diagnostics and Therapeutics initiative at the University of Notre Dame, could ...

Fertilizer chemicals linked to animal developmental woes

Fertilizer chemicals may pose a bigger hazard to the environment - specifically to creatures that live in water - than originally foreseen, according to new research from North Carolina State University toxicologists.

Imaging studies reveal order in programmed cell death

( -- Every day, about 10 billion cells in a human body commit suicide. Cells infected by virus, that are transformed or otherwise dysfunctional altruistically sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Now, new ...

Additive copper-zinc interaction affects toxic response in soybean

Agricultural soils accumulate trace metals, particularly copper and zinc, as a result of their presence in wastes (sewage biosolids and manures) and fungicides that are applied over long periods of time. Regulations and guidelines ...

Growing evidence of marijuana smoke's potential dangers

In a finding that challenges the increasingly popular belief that smoking marijuana is less harmful to health than smoking tobacco, researchers in Canada are reporting that smoking marijuana, like smoking tobacco, has toxic ...

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