First noiseless single photon amplifier

Research physicists have demonstrated the first device capable of amplifying the information in a single particle of light without adding noise.

143 km: Physicists break quantum teleportation distance

Physicists at the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences have achieved quantum teleportation over a record distance of 143 km. The experiment is a major step towards satellite-based quantum communication. ...

'Quantum magic' without any 'spooky action at a distance'

The quantum mechanical entanglement is at the heart of the famous quantum teleportation experiment and was referred to by Albert Einstein as "spooky action at a distance". A team of researchers led by Anton Zeilinger at the ...

Vienna physicists create quantum twin atoms

At the Vienna University of Technology, sophisticated atomchips have been used to create pairs of quantum mechanically connected atom-twins. Until now, similar experiments were only possible using photons.

Time travel theory avoids grandfather paradox

( -- The possibility of going back in time only to kill your ancestors and prevent your own birth has posed a serious problem for potential time travelers, not even considering the technical details of building ...

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