Poll: Black teens most active on social media apps

Teenagers and their technology are inseparable, but a new poll shows black teens are the most likely to have access to smartphones—which could explain why they're the biggest and most frequent users of mobile-friendly social ...

The benefits of friending a grownup

Friend requested by mom, dad and the math teacher? When teen and adult worlds collide on social media it can be weird and awkward at times, but research from Drexel University suggests these socially messy interactions can ...

Abstinence may not be the best policy for avoiding online risk

The online world is full of risky situations for teens, but allowing them to gradually build their own coping strategies may be a better parental strategy than forbidding internet use, according to a team of researchers.

Driving curfews may curb teen crime

A new UT Dallas study found that teen driving curfews might do more than reduce car accidents. They also may prevent teens from committing crimes.

The complex reality of the non-driving millennial

It's a well-worn media trope. Twenty-first century millennials are leading the way to a green transportation future, moving to cities, riding public transit, biking and walking and often delaying car purchases indefinitely, ...

Teen pregnancy not an isolated issue, sociologists say

In a nationwide study, University of Arizona sociologists Christina Diaz and Jeremy E. Fiel found that the negative effect of young motherhood on educational attainment and earnings is not limited to those from disadvantaged ...

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