Why the US food system needs agroecology

Agroecology—a science, practice, and movement that seeks social, political, economic, and environmental sustainability in the global food system—is gaining momentum in the U.S., according to a new Dartmouth-led commentary ...

Study proposes roadmap for integrating edge AI into farming

The rise of advanced artificial intelligence (edge AI) could well mark the beginning of a new era for sustainable agriculture. A recent study proposes a roadmap for integrating this technology into farming practices. The ...

What should we do with aging marine structures?

Marine artificial structures (MAS), such as oil and gas platforms and offshore wind farms, have a finite operational period and will eventually need to be decommissioned.

Can factory chicken really help save the climate?

Stephane Dahirel doesn't exactly say eat chicken and save the planet, but that is what he's hinting at as he opens a shed door on his intensive farm in Brittany, western France.

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