The long road to the 2000-watt society

The vision of a society in which each inhabitant of the earth manages to consume only 2000 watts (48 kilowatt-hours per day) has already been around for 15 years. During this time, there has been a steady increase in environmental ...

Hollande calls for more investments in clean energy

French President Francois Hollande called on Tuesday for pumping more investments in renewable energy projects to prepare for the post-oil era and to avoid global warming and very high oil prices.

Italian architect designs world's biggest vertical garden

A shopping centre near Milan is claiming an unusual record—the biggest vertical garden in the world, covering a surface of 1,263 square metres (13,600 square feet) with a total of 44,000 plants.

What's cooking? The UK's potential food crisis

The Sustainable Consumption Institute research claims food which families now take for granted, such as meat and fresh vegetables, could become too expensive for many if global temperatures rise in line with the current trends ...

Dutch, Nordic bourses best on sustainability: report

Dutch, Danish and Finnish stock exchanges performed best in sustainability disclosures, according a report by the British asset management company Aviva Investors released at the Rio+20 conference Monday.

The quick and easy way to measure power consumption

The ambitious goals set by the German government to promote energy efficiency have put pressure on companies to change their energy-use policies. But the sustainable management of energy resources and the associated energy-saving ...

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