Researchers discover a piece of America in northern Australia

Curtin University researchers have discovered rocks in northern Queensland that bear striking similarities to those found in North America, suggesting that part of northern Australia was actually part of North America 1.7 ...

'Oldest' Gondwana land creature discovered

A 350-million-year-old fossilised scorpion discovered in South Africa is the oldest known land animal to have lived on Gondwana, part of Earth's former supercontinent, a university said Monday.

New dinosaur from Utah's red rocks

( -- Utah's red rocks - world-famous attractions at numerous national parks, monuments and state parks - have yielded a rare skeleton of a new species of plant-eating dinosaur that lived 185 million years ago ...

Largest spider fossil found in China

( -- According to Paul Selden, the director of the Paleontological Institute at the University of Kansas, he and his team members have discovered the largest spider fossil. The fossil was discovered within ancient ...

Superdeep diamonds provide a window on supercontinent growth

Diamonds contain evidence of the mantle rocks that helped buoy and grow the ancient supercontinent Gondwana from below, according to new research from a team of scientists led by Suzette Timmerman—formerly of the University ...

Evolution: The beneficiaries of mass extinction

Mass extinctions were followed by periods of low diversity in which certain new species dominated wide regions of the supercontinent Pangaea, reports a new study.

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