Related topics: infectious diseases · bacteria · antibiotics

Superbugs offer solvent solution

A world-first superbug is to undergo field trials to clean up two of Australia's most polluted industrial sites at Port Botany in NSW and Altona in Melbourne in the coming year.

Harnessing the power of killer bacteria

( -- Scientists at The University of Nottingham have discovered new clues about a potential weapon in the fight against a dangerous superbug which is becoming increasingly resistant to usual forms of treatment.

Students' experiments to play out in space

Science experiments devised by teenage students, one from Egypt and two from the United States, will be conducted in space as part of a move by YouTube and Lenovo to inspire young minds.

Scientists use frogs to battle superbugs

( -- Nuclear scientists using frogs in a battle against superbugs might sound like some kind of 1980s computer game – but it’s actually scientific research underway right now.

Careless disposal of antibiotics can create aquatic superbugs

A wastewater treatment plant can provide the perfect mating ground for carelessly disposed of antibiotics to form superbugs that are eventually discharged into streams and lakes, says a University of Michigan researcher.

New drugs from mutant bugs

( -- Scientists from the Universities of Birmingham and Bristol have discovered how marine bacteria join together two antibiotics they make independently to produce a potent chemical that can kill drug-resistant ...

Essential oils to fight superbugs

Essential oils could be a cheap and effective alternative to antibiotics and potentially used to combat drug-resistant hospital superbugs, according to research presented at the Society for General Microbiology's spring meeting ...

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