Great apes, small numbers

Sumatran orangutans have undergone a substantial recent population decline, according to a new genetic study, but the same research revealed the existence of critical corridors for dispersal migrations that, if protected, ...

Rare tiger dies after Indonesia flight switch

A rare Sumatran tiger has died after his transferral to an Indonesia park was aborted and he was put on a second flight because passengers complained about the smell, an official said.

Rare Sumatran tiger gives birth to three cubs

A rare Sumatran tiger has given birth to three cubs at an Indonesian zoo, an official there said Tuesday, giving hope for the survival of the endangered species.

Endangered Sumatran rhino gives birth in Indonesia

A critically endangered Sumatran rhinoceros was born Saturday at an Indonesian sanctuary, only the fourth birth in captivity in more than a century, boosting survival hopes for the species, say conservationists.

WWF Indonesia calls for probe into elephant death

Environmental organisation WWF called on the government Wednesday to investigate the death of a critically endangered Sumatran elephant allegedly poisoned at an Indonesian oil palm plantation.

Recent Indonesia quake added pressure to key fault

(AP) -- Seismologists say last week's powerful earthquake off western Indonesia increased pressure on the source of the devastating 2004 tsunami: a fault that could unleash another monster wave sometime in the next few decades.

Assessing protected area effectiveness

A new study published in Conservation Letters aims to measure whether parks and reserves in the tropics succeed in protecting forests.

Chevron accused of graft in Indonesian green project

Indonesia on Saturday accused five Chevron employees of being involved in a scam to set up a fictitious green project that lost the state some $270 million, a charge denied by the US oil giant.

Sumatran elephants could be extinct in 30 years

The Sumatran elephant could be extinct in the wild within three decades unless immediate steps are taken to slow the breakneck pace of deforestation, environmentalists warned Tuesday.

Orangutans adapt their movements to swamp forest

Orangutans living in thin forest growing in peat swamps in Borneo have different ways of getting about to their cousins in drier rainforest on the neighbouring Indonesian island of Sumatra - but not as different as scientists ...

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