'Trophy wife' stereotype is largely a myth, new study shows

Don't be so quick to judge. Most people are familiar with the "trophy wife" stereotype that attractive women marry rich men, placing little importance on their other traits, including physical appearance, and that men look ...

Women are more successful at crowdfunding than men, says study

Women have higher success rates at crowdfunding scientific projects than men, according to new research from ESMT Berlin. The study suggests that the crowd may apply different decision-making criteria than traditional funding ...

Calling women astronomers

At an astronomy workshop in Perth today, the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) announced the creation of a new and unique fellowship scheme aimed at senior women astronomers.

Provost explores challenges still faced by women in science

While much has improved for women scientists and engineers in the last 30 years, SF State University Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Sue Rosser says many of the barriers she faced as a junior researcher remain, ...

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