Predicting rainfall futures

Despite decades of research, what will happen to rainfall in years to come remains unknown, and severe floods as well as prolonged droughts are already defying expectations.

How secure is your data when it's stored in the cloud?

As cloud storage becomes more common, data security is an increasing concern. Companies and schools have been increasing their use of services like Google Drive for some time, and lots of individual users also store files ...

Why politically motivated cyberattacks might be the new normal

An international cyberattack struck parts of Europe, Asia, and the United States on Tuesday, crippling tens of thousands of computers at banks, hospitals, and government offices worldwide. Initial analysis found that the ...

Ensuring the security of digital information

Every day we store and transfer sensitive digital data, post personal information on social media, and provide valuable details to companies when we use their services. Keeping secure the 2.5 quintillion (2.5 million billion) ...

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