Putting gamers on the spot with virtual-reality goggles

Strap on the headset and adjust the goggle to your eyes. Look down and you'll see the floor of a space station. Look up and pipes weave above your head. Turn left or right and the tight walls of a dark corridor flank your ...

Physics duo create tractor beam using dual Bessel beams

(Phys.org)—David Ruffner and David Grier of New York University have developed a technique for using Bessel beams to draw a particle toward a source. In their paper published in Physical Review Letters they describe how ...

'Star Trek' actors head for videogame frontier

The actors who played Captain James T. Kirk and Spock in the 2009 film reboot of "Star Trek" will give voice to those characters in a videogame based on the beloved science fiction franchise.

Sci-fi no longer, NREL engineers smart homes

Thanks to TV shows such as The Jetsons and Star Trek, many Americans grew up dreaming that homes of the future would be equipped with fantastic high-tech features. From automatic food dispensers to sliding doors, to Rosie ...

Beam them up: Ashes of 'Star Trek' actor in orbit

(AP) -- James Doohan, Scotty from "Star Trek," spent his acting career whizzing through the cosmos. Gordon Cooper was one of America's famous Mercury seven astronauts. And Bob Shrake spent his work life anonymously helping ...

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