To uncover the secrets of exoplanets, try listening to them

From rainfall patterns to share price performance, the usual way to analyse any data that shows something changing over a period of time is to put it into a graphic. Making data visual usually makes it much easier to understand ...

Professor uses data gathered from squirrels to make music

The squirrels are wary at first. They carefully sniff at the traps set on the chilly ground of Alaska's north slope, suspicious of their sudden arrival. But soon, unable to resist the temptation of the small bits of carrot ...

Kepler Telescope star data creates musical melody

Why stop at the dark side of the moon to make music when you can look thousands of light years into space? That's what a team of Georgia Tech researchers have done, using data from two stars in our galaxy to create sounds ...

Scientists listen to the sun in new sonification project

( -- Scientists can now listen to a set of solar wind data that's usually represented visually, as numbers or graphs. University of Michigan researchers have “sonified” the data. They've created an acoustic, ...

Boosting swimming performance with sound data

Since 1896, swimming has been an event in the Olympic games. Back then it was the swimmer's physical condition that was decisive in securing a win, but today it is mostly technique that determines who takes home the title ...

Exploring the sound of string theory

A new collaboration between physicists and sound artists at Queen Mary, University of London, has produced a sonification of string theory equations. The project is being unveiled at a concert on 5 and 6 November, 2011.

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