Earth is getting dustier, model suggests

( -- If the house seems dustier than it used to be, it may not be a reflection on your housekeeping skills. The amount of dust in the Earth's atmosphere has doubled over the last century, according to a new study; ...

Microplastics in soils: First consistent risk assessment

Microplastics in soil are extremely diverse and complex. This makes it difficult to determine the risks of plastic pollution to soil life, which is an increasing concern among policymakers and scientists. Researchers from ...

Cosmic rays alter chemistry of lunar ice

Space scientists from the University of New Hampshire and multi-institutional colleagues report they have quantified levels of radiation on the moon's surface from galactic cosmic ray (GCR) bombardment that over time causes ...

Worms elevate phosphate levels in grass

Worms are the farmer's main little helpers. They improve soil structure and help the plant obtain nutrients and phosphate. But some worms do a better job than others. Hannah Vos obtained her Ph.D. on research on which worms ...

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