Air flows in mechanical device reveal secrets of speech pathology

From a baby's first blurted "bowl!'" for the word "ball" to the whispered goodbye of a beloved elder, the capacity for complex vocalizations is one of humankind's most remarkable attributes -- and perhaps one we take for ...

Insecurities plague electronic health care

Information security and privacy in the healthcare sector is an issue of growing importance but much remains to be done to address the various issues raised by healthcare consumers regarding privacy and security and the providers' ...

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

( -- A study in the latest issue of The Journal of Law and Economics finds a link between out-of-wedlock births and rates of murder and other crimes.

Internet fuels virtual subculture for sex trade, study finds

The Internet has spawned a virtual subculture of "johns" who share information electronically about prostitution, potentially making them harder to catch, according to a new study co-authored by a Michigan State University ...

Anthropologist examines stigma of infertility in Nigeria

In sub-Saharan Africa, the issue of infertility is often obscured by the region's high fertility rates. Though problematic, particularly for women, little is known about how different regions understand and respond to infertility ...

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