How effective are personalized political ads on Facebook?

In this election year, political advertising on social networking sites such as Facebook is increasingly making use of personalized ads to target specific social media users. The effectiveness of online political microtargeting ...

Are narcissists addicted to social networking?

Social networking sites such as Facebook provide the ideal environment for some types of narcissists to promote themselves and seek the admiration of others on a grand scale, according to a study published in Cyberpsychology, ...

How technology could help predict terrorist attacks

The internet has become a weapon for terrorists, who use social media and other technologies to organise, recruit and spread propaganda. So is it possible to turn technology around and use it to not only catch terrorists ...

Facebook wins China trademark suit

US social network Facebook has won a trademark case in China against a local company, state media reported Monday, weeks after a court ruled against tech giant Apple in a similar suit over its iPhone brand.

What your emojis say about you

When you add a smiley face to the end of a message, you may be saying more than you realise. Emoticons, faces formed from punctuation symbols such as :-), and emojis, picture symbols, are now common features of the way we ...

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