Fake news can backfire for companies caught in the act

In the era of fake news, less scrupulous businesses are using deceptive tactics to smear their rivals. But companies that spread fake news against their competitors ultimately experience the brunt of negative publicity and ...

Five new jobs for humans if robots take over the world

By now you've probably heard how robots are going to take over our jobs. And how this will leave future generations with plenty of time on their hands to take up hobbies and pursue creative interests. All while our robot ...

Investors punish Equifax for massive data breach

Investors were bailing out on Equifax a day after the credit monitoring company said a data breach exposed the Social Security numbers and other personal data of 143 million Americans.

Implications of humor in social media job adverts

Can humour on social media help managers find the most appropriate candidates for the job vacancies they hope to fill? Writing in the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, researchers from Finland, ...

How social media impacts consumer spending

For businesses using social media, posts with high engagement have the greatest impact on customer spending, according to new research from the University at Buffalo School of Management.

Selfies are more than a form of vanity, research finds

An Australian National University (ANU) study analysing more than 5,000 Instagram selfies has found that 75 per cent of selfies are posted by women, and around one in 10 is posted by users purely looking to build an audience, ...

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