Prehistoric Swiss Army knife indicates early humans communicated

Archaeologists have found that a tool, dubbed the "stone Swiss Army knife" of prehistory, was made to look the same in enormous numbers across great distances and multiple biomes in southern Africa. This indicates early humans ...

Facebook claims 250 million users

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the number of people using the online social networking service has climbed to 250 million.

Accelerating the grapevine effect

Gossip is an efficient way to share information across large networks and has unexpected applications in solving other mathematical and machine-learning problems.

Friends enjoy being reached out to more than we think

People consistently underestimate how much others in their social circle might appreciate an unexpected phone call, text or email just to say hello, and the more surprising the connection, the greater the appreciation, according ...

Pottery reveals America's first social media networks

Long before Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and even MySpace, early Mississippian Mound cultures in America's southern Appalachian Mountains shared artistic trends and technologies across regional networks that functioned in ...

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