Seen from space, the snow-capped Alps are going green

The famous snow-capped peaks of the Alps are fading fast and being replaced by vegetation cover—a process called "greening" that is expected to accelerate climate change, a study said Thursday.

5 ways the extreme Arctic heat wave follows a disturbing pattern

The Arctic heat wave that sent Siberian temperatures soaring to around 100 degrees Fahrenheit on the first day of summer put an exclamation point on an astonishing transformation of the Arctic environment that's been underway ...

Scientists confirm Himalayan glacial melting

Glaciers in the Himalayas have shrunk by as much as a fifth in just 30 years, scientists have claimed in the first authoritative confirmation of the effects of climate change on the region.

Less snow and a shorter ski season in the Alps

After long-awaited snowfall in January, parts of the Alps are now covered with fresh powder and happy skiers. But the Swiss side of the iconic mountain range had the driest December since record-keeping began over 150 years ...

Sea-ice-free Arctic makes permafrost vulnerable to thawing

Permafrost is ground that remains frozen throughout the year; it covers nearly a quarter of Northern Hemisphere land. The frozen state of permafrost enables it to store large amounts of carbon; about twice as much as in the ...

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