Snake skulls show how species adapt to prey

By studying the skull shapes of dipsadine snakes, researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington have found how these species of snakes in Central and South America have evolved and adapted to meet the demands of their ...

Island tiger snakes' skulls adapt to eat large sea bird chicks

A study by researchers from the University of Adelaide and other institutions has found that in a population of island tiger snakes, the bones in their jaws increase in length after feeding on large prey, while their mainland ...

Cross-country dingoes have differently shaped heads

A new University of Sydney study has revealed differences in skull shapes among dingoes from different Australian regions, lending support for the idea of two dingo subgroups, rather than three.

Golden Ratio observed in human skulls

The Golden Ratio, described by Leonardo da Vinci and Luca Pacioli as the "Divine Proportion," is an infinite number often found in nature, art and mathematics. It's a pattern in pinecones, seashells, galaxies and hurricanes.

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