A tool for simulation-based decision making for production

The sheer complexity of today's production systems makes "going with your gut" decision making a questionable approach at best. So as part of the EU project DREAM, a simulation-based support system was developed to help decision ...

Improved planning for the evacuation of buildings

A simulation software from Siemens can analyze people's behavior in emergency situations. The software known as "Crowd Control" calculates how individuals or crowds will behave and move in emergencies. The program allows ...

Planning tools for maritime shipping

As global flows of goods continue to rise, the demand also rises for available port-related capacity and the logistics that goes along with it. This is true for new seaports in planning and existing ones, too. The biggest ...

Taking the momentum out of vibrations

Diesel engines vibrate. This produces tremendous stress on the components of ships. Adaptronic systems effectively reduce these vibrations. At the maritime trade fair SMM, Fraunhofer researchers are presenting a simulation ...

Virtually engineering power plants

Photovoltaic and wind energy plants, hydroelectric power stations and biogas plants supply energy without polluting the environment. However, they are complex to design and maintain. Virtual reality makes planning and operation ...

New software to simulate future financial crises

(PhysOrg.com) -- Can economics better predict how banks will react to future credit crunches and their impact on the wider economy? Breakthrough simulation software by European researchers could hold the answers to this question ...

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