Compact multipurpose scooter for crowded megacities

TUM CREATE has unveiled an all-new multipurpose scooter prototype, codenamed VOI, at the 3rd Taiwan International Electric Vehicle Show. VOI gets its name from the Vietnamese word for elephant—a symbol of a safe and intelligent ...

Toyota's i-Road to debut at the Geneva Motor Show

( —Look, it's a hooded scooter. No, it's a trike house. No, it's a, well, it's a concept. The category-challenged debut of the Toyota i-Road will nonetheless attract a number of interested viewers at this week's ...

Safety on two wheels revealed

Moped riders crash more frequently, and motorcyclists are more than three times as likely to die in accidents, a Queensland University of Technology (QUT) road safety researcher has found.

Icarus' revenge: Plane uses sun to power flight

(AP) -- The plane making one of the biggest splashes at the Paris Air Show carries a grand total of one person and is often delayed because there's too much wind or too little sun.

Aqua Star USA creates a two man underwater scooter

( -- Have you ever had a Jacques Cousteau fantasy? A yearning to live your own version of 20,000 leagues under the sea? Or maybe, you just want to see the great barrier reef on something other than the Discovery ...

Geely McCar: Electric vehicle and scooter in one

( -- Geely, an automotive manufacturer that is based in China, has created a new vehicle called McCar. Aside from creating a lot of Batman movie comparisons and jokes, it truly is an amazing vehicle. The McCar, ...

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