Urban languages archive is world's largest

A University of Manchester archive set up in 2010 to document, protect and support the languages spoken in one of Europe's most diverse cities, is now the world's largest. The web based Multilingual Manchester, which documents ...

Bullying can be a summertime issue, too

(Phys.org) -- The threat of bullying doesn't stop at the schoolyard gate nor does it end when the final bell signals the beginning of summer vacation, warns Dr. Jennifer Caudle of the University of Medicine and Dentistry ...

Leaks show group's climate efforts

(AP) -- Leaked documents from a prominent conservative think tank show how it sought to teach schoolchildren skepticism about global warming and planned other behind-the-scenes tactics using millions of dollars in donations ...

Cameras stream Canadian polar bear migration

(AP) -- In the harsh, remote wilds of the Canadian tundra, a wolverine scampers up to a polar bear snoozing near the shore of the Hudson Bay. The bear rises and makes a half-hearted charge, driving away the fierce, badger-like ...

South Koreans start using mobiles at 10: survey

More than 90 percent of schoolchildren in South Korea own a mobile phone and they start using them at an average age of 10 years and fours months, according to a survey published Friday.

'Unfunny, unlike': The Onion joke raises eyebrows

The satirical news publication The Onion gets a lot of laughs by crossing the line. But even some of the most devoted fans of the popular humor outlet were complaining on Thursday that it may have gone too far.

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