Evaluating measurement error in remote-sensing deforestation data

Remote sensing methods are transformative tools used to study deforestation, but they are by no means perfect. In the new paper "Remotely Incorrect? Accounting for Nonclassical Measurement Error in Satellite Data on Deforestation," ...

Copernicus Sentinel-3 captures Cyclone Mocha

The Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission captured this image of the powerful Cyclone Mocha on 13 May 2023 as it made its way across the Bay of Bengal heading northeast towards Bangladesh and Myanmar.

New study underscores need to protect 'oasis of the Arctic'

Amidst the vast frozen and barren terrain of the Arctic is a unique marine ecosystem supporting a web of diverse natural life that, according to a new study by scientist Kent Moore, is managing to sustain itself against the ...

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